
Someone give me a lift.

After discussing matters with my neighbour, I've decided to try using a winch for the hitch lift system instead of the cylinder. At least for now.

ATV model, got a good price on it. Came with everything I need.

Going to mount it on the top of the case. There were factory options for a geared lift system for this model of tractor, and this is where it mounted. This spot should be strong enough to take the force, I hope.

Need to put the guide somewhere, maybe here.

After considering things, this is what I came up with.

I had the winch backwards in the second picture there, it has to be underwound, not top wound.

I had to take the cap off the differential. The gear oil is much rustier than I was expecting, when I put it in there a few months ago it was blue. I've always planned to use it for a while and replace the oil again after it's cleaned the case a bit, I may have to do it a lot sooner than I thought though. Still, the gears look good from what I can see.

All together. The mounting bolts are an absolute bitch to get at, I may need to make some changes.

Tomorrow I hope to get it all wired up and start testing it.

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